Monday, April 29, 2013
Catching Up
I didn't get up to do anything on Friday. But, I did go to spin on Saturday. I had a pretty bad headache and contemplated not doing it, but I perservered. I'm definitely glad I did. Later that day Meghan had softball practice, then Brett had his first house baseball game and then we went to dinner at some friends house. It was a great day! It was the first warm day we've had here in a while.
Sunday, we went to Sunday School and then came home. Dave and I did week 3, day 1 of C25K, which ended up being a mile. I had every intention of doing another 2 - at least - after that. But, after 1 mile I was dying. Seriously. It turns out that only eating edamame for breakfast wasn't enough to fuel me through a run. Who knew? So, after 1 mile at 11:33, I stopped and sat with Dave on the driveway and enjoyed the sunshine.
I was pretty annoyed with myself about not doing a longer run, even though I know 2 miles is better than nothing and I didn't eat enough. But, just to make sure I got something else in, I did 50 regular crunches and 25 on each side. Then, I did some work on my triceps with the medicine ball.
Brett had a travel game in the afternoon and then we went to my parents house for dinner with the family. It was a great weekend and I really didn't want it to end.
I didn't get a workout in today. I slept really poorly last night and have literally not stopped since I left for work this morning. Actually, since before that since I had to run to the store so we had food for breakfast :-/ Guess what I did after work and taking Meghan to swim practice? Yep - I actually did some grocery shopping.
Did I mention that I've given up caffeine after noon every day to see if it helps me sleep better? Does anyone else do that? I'm a big black coffee drinker, so this is a big deal. I hope giving up my afternoon cup helps! Today I had a cup of decaf hot tea instead.
Let's hope for a workout tomorrow, shall we?
Thursday, April 25, 2013
I Have Nothing
Because I have no workout news, I'll tell you that I'm on Instagram now. Want to follow me? I'm missymichelejill. It would be cool if I could find some other adults to follow, since I'm currently following my daughters and their friends. Not that there's anything wrong with that, of course.
In completely unrelated news, I made the kids a fun breakfast this morning. (Actually, I guess it is related, since I also posted this pic on Instagram.) The kids had state testing *again* today and they insisted this breakfast would help. Who am I to argue?
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Toast with PB and chocolate chips |
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Nice and Easy
Brett had house team practice yesterday (Dave's the coach and Amelia is the bench coach), so I took Meg to swim practice. When we got home, the couch looked really inviting. I snuggled with a blanket and both dogs and hoped Dave would forget about c25k. He didn't.
He was on week 2 day 3, which is 90 seconds running with 2 minutes of brisk walking, 6 times. We apparently did an extra minute of running in there because he got a phone call and that somehow messed up the app for a bit. Overall, though, it was a nice and easy workout for me. (Dave struggled a bit more, but he'll get there. I remember when I first started - holy cow was it hard!) He asked if I was going to keep going for another mile or so like I normally do when we're done, but I decided that last night I was done. I came back in and spent some time with Brett, who had a headache and just needed some love.
Meg is the only one with something going on tonight. Maybe I can get another run in? We'll see. I'd really like to get to yoga in the morning, so I don't want to get to bed too late.
Do you stick to weekly workout plans? How did you do it?
Happy Tuesday :-)
Monday, April 22, 2013
That Time I Had a Non-Race PR
We made it to Sunday School and church. All I wanted to do when I got home was go to bed. It was cold here today, which made snuggling in for a nap sounded even more appealing. But, Brett had a baseball game (first travel game of the season!) and he needed to be there at 3:15. I didn't have time for a run and a nap. I groaned and moaned and finally got ready to go.
I convinced myself that I only had to do two miles. I figured even two would be a decent workout and was better than nothing. Somewhere around mile one I decided that I should just do a 5k. My first mile was 11:22, which surprised me. I felt pretty good, maybe a bit winded, and actually ended up 11:23 for the second mile. At that point, I was getting pretty tired. I walked a house at one point and then ended up walking a house again after a quarter mile. I figured my third mile was going to be pretty slow. Then, when my watch finally beeped, it said 11:19. 11:19! I ended up finishing the 5k at 35:14!!!! I actually ended up beating my 36 minute goal, which I was working to complete in June.
Brett ended up winning his game, too. I still haven't been to the grocery store, so we ate dinner at a local Chinese buffet to celebrate his win and my run. It was really a great day. But, it also meant that the dishes didn't get done and there's still laundry left. But, we had great times with family and friends and I am beyond thrilled with my run.
How was your weekend run? Anyone else wish we had just one more day?
Saturday, April 20, 2013
A(nother) Break
I went to spin this morning. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong because I actually had fun! I wonder if I'm working hard enough? It was definitely a workout, though, so I guess that's all that matters. I'm really looking forward to a run tomorrow - hoping to do 4 miles. Hopefully the weather cooperates so I can do it outside. I'd also like to find someone to run with me out on the bike path. (I won't go out there alone.) If not, a neighborhood ride it is.
A friend of mine took me to opening night of a play last night, The Clean House. If any of you are in the Buffalo area, I highly recommend it! I laughed and cried...a lot. It stirred a lot of emotion and touched on some issues that many of us are all too familiar with. Go see it!
Today I'm hanging with a friend, shopping at Penzeys and picking up some cans/bottles that a friend is donating to my mission trip. It's shaping up to be a good day! Fingers crossed that the weather is good enough for Brett's first baseball game of the season tomorrow!
Happy Saturday!
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
A Nice Run
Anyway, after work and dinner (crockpot sloppy joes! I took a picture, but it was awful. You'll have to take my word for it - they were delish!), we took Meghan to swim practice. We got home close to 8 and I literally ran up to my bed to snuggle in. Apparently Dave remembered that we needed to get a run in, though, and started getting ready. He said I didn't have to go, but I knew that meant I really did.
Once we got out there, I was glad we did it. I know a lot of people went on various runs for Boston and I was glad that, even though this wasn't a declared memorial run or anything, I had some time to reflect and make sure that I contributed to runners get back out there. After we finished the C25K portion, Dave cooled down and I got another mile in. It wasn't fast and it certainly wasn't long, but I did it.
There's a Solidarity Run on Sunday here in Buffalo at 9am. I really want to go, but have my daughter and I have a meeting about a mission trip we're going on next February to Belize. It's crazy that I: 1. have multiple places I could be that early on a weekend; and 2. am going to Belize! Amelia really wants to do this trip and she needs an adult to go with her. We've never done anything like it.
Between work and dinner yesterday, I made muffins. The kids are going through NYS testing this week (let's not even get started on that) and Meghan said they needed a hearty breakfast. They are typically frozen waffle eaters. However, yesterday I made them egg sandwiches and tomorrow I'm making them smoothies (with fruit, PB, chocolate soy milk and spinach). Today, they're eating muffins. I got the recipe here.
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Horrible cell picture with glare from window |
Keep running!
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
On top of the feelings of grief over a senseless tragedy, I wonder about those who trained for so long for this chance at running at one of the greatest races in the world and have to stop without ever finishing. People were redirected. People died. So many emotions.
I'm going to go for a run in the morning with Dave. I'm going to run for those who can't. I'm going to run and think of Boston. Whoever is responsible will not win - because we're still going.
Who is running today?
Monday, April 15, 2013
I Did It!
My friend and I went for a 4 mile run on a local bike path. She wants me to help her get faster, but I really wanted to focus on distance instead of speed today. (Please understand that speed to us is not what speed is, to say...a turtle. Ok, we're not that slow, but we're not speedy at our speediest, either.) I think the run went really well and I'm thrilled that we got it done. I was in a pretty lousy mood and really didn't feel like getting out there, but we did. We rock.
For dinner, I made pork roast that we won at a meat raffle. Do you have those near you? It's a fundraiser where they raffle off meat by selling tickets and spinning a wheel for each game. (We also won 2 racks of ribs, a corned beef brisket and a pork tenderloin.That was a good night.) I also served white beans and green beans. Can anyone tell me why one of my children always has to dislike something that the other two like? (I'm referring to the white beans.) They do take turns being the one who dislikes something, so at least there's that.
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I didn't have a big enough pan. |
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Yum! |
Have you ever heard of a meat raffle?
What does your Monday look like?
Sunday, April 14, 2013
I Failed
So, I didn't check back in yesterday; I guess time got away from me! My run never happened, either. I ended up getting FANTASTIC Sabres tickets for Dave and Brett and the game started at 3. (Bonus: they actually won!) I thought I would just go for a run without him, but the girls begged to go to the mall and use their gift cards, since the boys were doing something "special."
I have to say I'm a little concerned that it has been days since my last workout. Grrrr....
In other failing news, I forgot to take a picture of the banana bread I talked about. Well, I remembered after it was almost gone :-)
Note: I'm typing this on my phone and have no idea where the banana bread picture is going to show up. I may have to fix that later.
I also failed to take a picture of dinner last night. There are no leftovers, either. I guess you're going to have to take my word for it that it was good!
Next up today (after I type this, drink coffee and snuggle with my dogs) is church. Then, we need to take the kids places, but I'm getting a run in no matter what. Really. Don't let me come back here if I don't, ok?
Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Morning After
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Bad phone pic of our snacks |
I'm making a gluten free banana bread right now. Bananas don't often make it long enough to become banana bread in our house, but when they do...yum! I've never used this recipe before, but figured a cake mix can't be bad, right? I'll try to remember to post a picture and a review. I can't wait!
Dinner will be a variation of this, a cornbread/taco/cheesy casserole kind of thing. My father-in-law is a butcher and gets ground beef at a very good price. So, every now and again I buy 10 pounds (it comes in bulk). I got some the other day and immediately thought of this recipe. The whole family loves it and it's gluten free! Win-win. Again, I will try to post pictures. In fact, perhaps this can be a two-post Saturday with an evening recap, including discussion of my run, along with pics of banana bread and dinner.
Have a great day everyone!
Friday, April 12, 2013
I've Got Nothin'
Also? Something is wrong with our heat. David is going to try and fix it. But, in the meantime, it's cold. Not terrible, but not as warm as one would like in the morning.
I think I'll try to focus on some good things. First, I successfully made coffee with the reusable pod thing for our Keurig. I wasn't sure I'd remember, but I did it. Phew! No one wants to deal with me if I haven't had my coffee. Second, it's Friday. This has felt like a very long week, but we made it! Third, I finished a project at work that was hanging over me; I feel so much better.
Ok, I think that's better. Here's my revised workout schedule:
Saturday spin
Sunday 5k
Monday Yoga
Tuesday C25K
Wednesday Yoga
Thursday C25K
Friday 5k
Have a great day everyone!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Weather Than Got in the Way
My arms are actually sore from yoga yesterday. I knew I was in trouble when the instructor said (after saying good morning), "You guys are quiet today. I guess you probably want things a little easier and quiet? Not going to happen." I've never known yoga to be as difficult as it was yesterday. That's probably better, though, because I was a miserable, PMSy mess the rest of the day and it most likely would've been worse if I hadn't gotten a good work out in.
The mood I was in yesterday was so bad that I ate nachos for lunch and had a frozen cappuccino in the afternoon. Sometime during the drink I received a motivational email from my nutritionist and I ended up throwing the drink away a little more than halfway through. I'll consider that a victory, even though I probably consumed a week's worth of calories and fat. I will say that my lunch filled me more than it would've a few months ago and that all I ate last night was a piece of leftover Italian sausage before taking Meghan and Amelia to their respective activities; I had no other dinner.
Thursday means an 8am department meeting. I guess I won't get my normal scrambled eggs with veggies from the work cafeteria because, at this point, I don't think I'll get there in time. Sadness.
What do you eat when you're hormonal? Does working out help?
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
How to Stop Eating When Something Tastes Good
It appears the title of this post should be asking for help in not eating when something tastes good.
I'm actually not as bad as I'm leading you to believe. I'm using to track my food consumption and it has really been helping. I've also been meeting with a nutritionist every three weeks to help keep my on track and to answer any questions I have. I just get frustrated sometimes when I feel like I have no control.
The (hopeful) schedule for the rest of the week is as follows:
Wednesday Yoga
Thursday C25K with husband, with possible additional mile if there's time
Friday 5K
Saturday Spin
Sunday rest
Do you have trouble putting the fork down when something tastes good? Do you have any advice for this?
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Bad at New Blogging
We had pizza for dinner because I was in the mood and the place near our daughter's swim team practice has a gluten free crust available. I ordered spinach, onion and bacon on top - so good!!! I had every intention of taking a pic or two before eating, but I was so hungry I didn't think about it until I was eating the last couple of bites. (It's essentially personal-sized.) This is a sad situation.
I am trying something that many blogs do: writing the night before. We're planning to go for a very early run tomorrow morning and then I have to leave for work. (I'm heading to Rochester for the day.) It makes much more sense to get this in now than stress myself out writing something short in the morning. I even got my husband to fill my gas tank on the way home from swim so I don't have to worry about that in the morning, either. It's perfect!
I have to say that yoga this morning did a great job stretching me out. I'm definitely ready for a a quick run in the morning to get the blood flowing. Tonight, though? Tonight. I'm watching TV with my husband and sipping vodka. Life. Is. Good.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Back At It
Our weekend trip was awesome. We ate, drank and played and stayed up too late. In other words, it was all the things a weekend getaway should be.
I didn't plan well AT ALL for the drive home yesterday and didn't have very much food I could eat. I also didn't think through where dinnner would be. (We left much later than expected because we went for an incredible lunch at Han Dynasty - link to come when I'm not posting from my phone. So. Good. You must eat there when in the Philadelphia area.) Because we're typically back home by dinner time for road trips, I never thought about stopping. We ended up stopping at McDonald's because there just wasn't time for anything else. Ugh! I went online and found out I could eat a burger without a bun and the french fries with a relatively low fear of being glutened. (It certainly wasn't healthy, though!) Even though I managed to get through the drive, I feel gross for eating that. So, this morning I got back at it: sunrise yoga.
It was a great class today! Lots of really good stretching and some ab work thrown in. We has a substitute teacher today and I really liked her.
I have just enough time for a little coffee before waking the kids up for their first day back after spring break. Getting back to a routine is so hard after a break!
Have a great Monday!
Friday, April 5, 2013
Early Morning Run, 2
Husband's alarm went off at 5. I was not pleased. He immediately got out of bed and went downstairs. I heard him letting the dogs out, but then it got awfully quiet. I stayed in bed, wondering if I really wanted to go running or not. It was cozy in bed and I went for a (short) run yesterday, so it's not like I needed to go. I argued with myself for a while. (This went on for almost 30 minutes. I apparently like to talk to myself.) Actually getting up won, though, because I know I won't do anything until Monday because we're going to Philly for the weekend! I have to work a half day today and then we're heading out.
Anyway, I got up. I got dressed. I found my husband asleep on a couch downstairs. He mumbled something about not going today and I rolled my eyes. After grabbing my watch and ear warmers (it's still in the 30s - although it felt great today!) and headed out the door. (I decided to go sans music today - I think it was a good decision!)
I decided to do a warm up walk until my watch found a signal. I ended up not looking at my watch AT ALL until it beeped for 3 miles and then I only watched to stop right at 3.1 (because God Forbid I do more than that).
GUESS WHAT?!?!?!?!??!!??!?!?!
I did it in 36:11! That's only 11 seconds from my goal! And, it's faster than the 5k I did on the treadmill a couple of weeks ago. I AM SO EXCITED!!! My splits were:
I'm definitely glad that I got up now :-)
Off to do a half day of work - have a great Friday!
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Early Morning Run
Anyway, no pilates. Husband mentioned that he wanted to do his third C25K of the week before work this morning because we'll be away this weekend. It sounded like a great idea and I was totally on board...until his alarm went off this morning. I have to tell you, 5:00am is pretty early. Also? It's below 30 degrees.
We managed to get his day 3 run in. I totally should've kept going, but I didn't. He insists I shouldn't worry about it, but I know I could've done more. I guess I really do have consistency issues. I do fine as long as I follow my routine, but as soon as something changes (like the kids being on spring break or a late meeting), then I lose my mojo.
Oh well. I can't worry about it. I'll shoot to do one more run tomorrow morning before we go. Hopefully I'll make it!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Sometimes It's Just Hard
The weather in WNY yesterday was ridiculous. Really. I'm not someone who complains about snow and late spring and all of that, but seriously, I think Mother Nature is having some issues. I drove through beautiful sunshine and near white-out conditions within minutes of each other. It was freezing. I'd need my sunglasses and then would almost have to rip them off because it suddenly got too dark. By the time I got home, running was the last thing I wanted to do. But, I rallied and got ready.
My husband has a hard time breathing in the cold, so I was definitely worried about how he'd do. I typically do better in the cold than I ever do in heat, so I thought I'd be fine. I set my Garmin (I really love that watch!), husband set his 5K app and off we went.
The first couple of runs were fine. Cold, but fine. After that, I could tell my husband was struggling. He kept asking our daughter for water and we were definitely slow. (I'm pretty sure our daughter could have lapped us. I was going slow for my husband, but wouldn't have been able to catch her even at full speed.) I began struggling at some point in the middle and was dreading the remainder of my run. I figured I had to get it in, though, and told them I was going to keep going after our final run (while they cooled down). Now remember, I finished the 5K last Friday when we ran, so I knew this shouldn't be a problem. Last night was different, though, and I was DYING. Like, I was pretty sure my legs were made of stone and my lungs were about to collapse. I forced myself to get to two miles. (I'd say we did not quite 1.5 miles with the app, so I didn't add much more.) That run was one of the hardest I've ever done.
I was surprised to see my splits at the end. The first mile, done with my husband, was 15:02. Then, sometime during the second mile I left on my own. I kind of figured I maybe did it in 13. Nope! I did it in 12:05. I made up some pretty good time there, which may have contributed to how hard it was. (The cold and going faster than normal for me.)
My point to this very long, rambling post is that sometimes it's just freakin' hard. But, we have to keep going...right? Maybe tonight should just be pilates or something a little less intense - definitely something inside, though. I'm sure that my next run will be better. It kind of has to be, really.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Full and Tired
If possible, I'd like to get in at least one day of yoga this week, if not two. If I don't end up doing two days of yoga, maybe one of yoga and one of pilates. I'm hoping that the husband wants to keep going with C25K; maybe we can get in two more days of that. If I manage to get a couple of runs in, as well, I'll be happy! We're going away next weekend, so it will be a couple of weeks before spin happens again.
I don't have much else to report, so I'll leave you with this picture of the family from Easter. I hope you all had a great day!