So, summer was rough. Well, not rough in the bad-sense, but rough in the scheduling sense. As much as I really wanted to blog and get out there, life just took over and I would run out of time and just get too tired. I really like to write, though, and I really like to blog. Here's to another shot!
In running news, my daughter and I did the Color Run here in Buffalo. I highly recommend this 5k - it was so much fun! Everyone was really friendly; lots of high-fives and encouragement. The volunteers were really excited, which always makes a good race. We obviously ended with lots of color on us...which is exactly what is supposed to happen. It was great!
Me and Meg, August 2013 |
Training is ongoing for my September half-marathon. My friend and I have 12 miles on the calendar for this weekend. I haven't been as good about my weekday runs, but I'm making an effort to change that. The same schedule the got in the way of blogging impacted my running and my contract work. But, I'm making a weekly schedule for the week and getting back to it. (I'm also trying to stick to a dinner plan, which makes school and work days so much easier.)
So, plan to keep coming back...ok? I'll have some recipes, I'll have some stories and I'll talk about some running. For now, I'm going to work on next week's meal plan and keep baking the chocolate chip peanut butter (gluten free) cookies I'm working on. Yum :-)
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